Get the help of a Qualified Massage Therapist and Say Goodbye To Pain Killers
Tired of pain and want a drug free alternative?
How often to you take care of your body? Life is so much more difficult when we have some sort of pain – whether it be our backs, necks, knees, shoulders or hips. Has your first option been to reach for a paracetamol, anti-inflammatories or multiples of each?
You will be surprised at how much of a difference even a maintenance treatment makes to your day to day life. Not only are you looking after your body, you are also allowing yourself to take a breather and have some you time.
Being a Medibank Preferred Provider means larger rebates and reduced out of pocket costs for your Massage needs
We can help you with conditions such as:
- Muscle aches and pains
- Back pain
- Neck pain
- Sciatica
- Headaches
- General tightness
- Sporting injuries
- Fibromyalgia
60 minute massage $110
45 minute massage $95
30 minute massage $75
(concession rates apply)